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Please Always Keep Refrigerated
Last 2 -3 Weeks
Take 2 Tablespoon Daily
Sea-Moss Benefits
Suppresses the appetite, naturally tones the body/lose weight
Boost immune system
Mental health
Helps with allergies
Helps with iron deficiency
Better sleep
Helps with joint/muscle pains
Assist with many digestive issues
Thyroid health​
Vaginal health
Better mood
Promots healthy hair, skin, nails, teeth, bones
Helps with halitosis
Natural energy booster
Boost sex drive
Rids the body of mucus
Has 92 minerals that our bodies can not produce
Purifies the blood, helps regulate blood pressure, leading to a healthier
Healthy Heart
Helps with allergies
Healthier lungs/better breathing
Assists with many digestive issues
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